Ashish Blog

A place where I pour my thoughts.

Let’s Block Our Ads For Free and Also Keep Our Children safe

Internet is a wild wild west, Protect yourself frpm Spies and Trackers also your kids from adult contents. Monitor the internet easily.

Update All Apps with One Line Of Code in Windows

Winget is CLI tool that Installs, Updates and List All softwares on your windows machine, similar to apt-get, brew, pacman, nix, etc

You need to use Password Manager right NOW!!

With data breaches everywhere, internet security is a major concern. Even if you do not want to go through any hassle, here are the minimum steps that will put you from easy targets to hard.

Install AppImage

Installing AppImage on your Linux System. AppImages are Linux Filetypes that comes packaged in One and are secure.

Setup Hugo on your PC

Create a Blog site for completely Free, Edit your contents from Your PC/Laptop and Publish without hassle.

Why it is Impossible for Nepal to Ban TikTok? Political Discussion!

Nepal is a country not only Geographically but also Politically divided between Eastern and Western Politics. Being in the centre may help us in some cases, in others we have to trade very carefully. When the Major country like USA and our own neighbor India are standing up against China we kinda have to shut up.